What is subscription commerce?

Breathtaking design for home living.

Nam aliquet ante porta, gravida elit interdum, luctus porta sapien justo, at fringilla felis suscipit vestibulum.

Breathtaking design for home living.

What is subscription commerce?

Nam aliquet ante porta, gravida elit interdum, luctus porta sapien justo, at fringilla felis suscipit vestibulum.

Breathtaking design for home living.

The 3PL that delivers on time, every time

Nam aliquet ante porta, gravida elit interdum, luctus porta sapien justo, at fringilla felis suscipit vestibulum.

We’re not just another order fulfilment company. We’re the industry leader that delivers the highest quality B2B and B2C services to supercharge your business. If you’re looking to scale your business with world-class services, we’re here for you

Subscription Commerce; An Introduction…

Inventory Management; An introduction…

Subscription boxes have proven to be a popular option for many consumers looking to re-purchase products on a regular basis. From food and drinks, to books, socks, makeup and skincare products. You name it, there is most likely a subscription box for it, no matter how niche it may be.

Of course, you have other subscription based services (where the consumer does not receive a physical product)

And many many more!

Today however, we will discuss subscription commerce relating to the purchasing and selling of physical goods.

Subscription commerce is a business model whereby the customer will pay a regular fee in return for products which are generally delivered around the same time each month. This fee can be paid on a weekly, monthly, or yearly basis depending on the businesses pricing model.

There are two different kinds of subscription commerce – convivence and discovery. We will discuss the difference between these further on, but for now lets look at some of the leading subscription box businesses in the UK…

What is Kitting and Assembly?

Kitting and assembly is a fulfilment service that is offered by most 3PL companies. It is a process that involves compiling, or assembling different parts and components together to create one final product, bundle, or kit. It is worth noting that this then becomes one singular SKU rather than multiple.

Kitting and assembly gives you the chance to offer customised bundles, kits, and products, meaning that you can drive more sales through discounts, promotions, etc.

Subscription Box Giants…

Why is inventory management important?

The subscription box market is quite a big one, especially with such a diverse range of products that can be offered on a subscription basis.

Some of the biggest companies leading the market right now include;

Other subscription box sectors you may come across can include;

  • Pet Food, toys, and health
  • Household items, cleaning products
  • Art, Craft, Design
  • Coffee, Tea, alcohol, & other drink options
  • Fragrance
  • Books
  • Clothing, shoes, handbags, accessories
  • Plants

Products are not limited to the ones listed above though, there are many different types of subscription boxes out there, some more niche than others.

Exploring the growing subscription commerce industry…

It is estimated that the highest percentage of consumers purchasing subscription boxes are in the 25-34 age bracket, with a whopping 58%. This is closely followed by consumers between 18-24 at 51%. The lowest percentage of consumers using subscription box services are those that fall into the 65+ category, at 17%.

Royal Mail estimated that there was a 135% increase in market value, taking the value to £1.4bn in 2023, with a predicted value of £1.8bn by 2025! Impressive.

What is Kitting and Assembly?

Kitting and assembly is a fulfilment service that is offered by most 3PL companies. It is a process that involves compiling, or assembling different parts and components together to create one final product, bundle, or kit. It is worth noting that this then becomes one singular SKU rather than multiple.

Kitting and assembly gives you the chance to offer customised bundles, kits, and products, meaning that you can drive more sales through discounts, promotions, etc.

What is Convenience Commerce?

Convenience Commerce refers to the traditional style of subscriptions. The same products are delivered on a regular basis, saving the customer the time and effort involved in manually purchasing and re-ordering their favourite products. The purpose of this type of commerce is in its name – its designed to be convenient.

What is discovery Commerce?

Discovery Commerce refers to the style of subscription boxes that are designed to help customers find new products, allowing them to explore their options and products that they might not typically purchase.

The products sent might include totally new products every month, a rotation of their most popular, or a mix of both. These types are particularly useful for customers looking to try new beauty products, food products, etc.

Why is subscription commerce so popular?

What are the benefits of demand planning?

While subscription commerce has been around for a long time, its popularity has grown massively as the years have gone by.

Let’s explore some other reasons as to why subscription commerce has gained so much popularity over the years…


As mentioned in the convenience subscription section, one of the main reasons as to why subscription commerce is so popular is due to the convenience it offers customers.

New subscriptions can be found and purchased in minutes. After that, customers just simply need to wait for their delivery to arrive, eliminating the process of needing to physically go out and source the products desire. The convivence aspect of subscription boxes will always be the biggest selling point for any subscription box. Of course, your great products are also going to be the USP of your business, but the convenience side of things extends to every business regardless of their products.

Eliminates indecisiveness

Ever done a food shop, and when it comes time to make food, you feel overwhelmed with choice? What about when you go shopping for clothes, and you feel overwhelmed by the choices? Sometimes, too much choice leads us to indecisiveness, its a natural human occurrence. The thing is, this indecisiveness can lead to that pesky thing known as buyers remorse (should the purchase go through of course!)

Subscription boxes help to eliminate the indecisiveness and buyers remorse since all the products are lumped together for one set cost, and this cost is usually cheaper than the overall cost to purchase products individually.

The element of surprise

Unless customers are ordering repeat subscription for the exact same products every month (i.e. the same cat food every month, the same washing up liquid, etc) there is an element of surprise when signing up to a subscription box service. For example, the Rocca Box subscription model allows customers to receive a box of new products every month, that are typically different from the month before. The products are not pre-announced before they are received, creating an element of surprise for the customers. Its like receiving a gift on your birthday or at Christmas, except it is on a monthly basis. When the items a customer receives are consistently good, high quality, it will encourage them to keep coming back. It’s a quick way to build an extremely large loyal customer base, with a high level of customer retention.

The Unboxing experience

Regardless of the sector you’re in, whether you are a subscription box business or not, the unboxing experience is crucial.

First impressions always matter.

In this industry specifically, strong branding is always used with cleverly designed packaging. As mentioned, receiving the box is like receiving a present, and brands adhere to this.

The stronger the branding and unboxing experience is, the more and more your customers will look forward to receiving their boxes every month, because not only are you delivering products, you’re also delivering an experience.

What are the benefits of running a subscription box business?

TikTok; The future of social commerce is at your fingertips…

As previously explored, the subscription box industry is booming – but what are the main benefits of running a subscription box business?

Let’s explore them!

Word of Mouth and UGC

Word of mouth is a powerful tool for any business, regardless of the service they provide or products they sell.

Subscription box businesses tend to have a lot more success when it comes to engaging customers for a longer period of time, building a large loyal customer base, and increasing customer retention levels. Many subscription box businesses offer referral schemes, and see great benefits from using them too.

UGC (user generated content) is extremely popular and beneficial at the minute, especially on platforms such as TikTok and Instagram. Businesses can see great success from UGC of the products and unboxing experience.

Do less, for more

A lot of eCommerce brands struggle with the nurturing side of things. What we mean by that is, businesses need to nurture their customers to help build a loyal customer base and increase customer retention by encouraging them to come back for repeat purchasing. Subscription box businesses can take a step back after a certain point (once the brand is well established) since generally speaking, if a customer is happy with the products they receive on a month to month basis, you won’t need to actively engage with them as much as your normally would have to.

Of course, this is not to say that you should completely avoid engaging with them, but it is something you might not need to focus on as much.

Reliable Source of income

When you charge a set amount for your boxes every month, you can find it easier to set targets, forecast growth, and manage your finances with better accuracy.

When selling products individually, it can sometimes be a guessing game as to how many sales you’ll receive that month.

While the cost of the products you include in your boxes can fluctuate every month, you will still find it easier to plan your months in advance with better accuracy.

Homeware; Exploring the growing market…

Subscription Commerce;

An introduction…

Subscription boxes have proven to be a popular option for many consumers looking to re-purchase products on a regular basis. From food and drinks, to books, socks, makeup and skincare products. You name it, there is most likely a subscription box for it, no matter how niche it may be.

Of course, you have other subscription based services (where the consumer does not receive a physical product)

And many many more!

Today however, we will discuss subscription commerce relating to the purchasing and selling of physical goods.

Homeware; Exploring the growing market…

What is subscription commerce?

Subscription commerce is a business model whereby the customer will pay a regular fee in return for products which are generally delivered around the same time each month. This fee can be paid on a weekly, monthly, or yearly basis depending on the businesses pricing model.

There are two different kinds of subscription commerce – convivence and discovery. We will discuss the difference between these further on, but for now lets look at some of the leading subscription box businesses in the UK…

Homeware; Exploring the growing market…

The subscription box market is quite a big one, especially with such a diverse range of products that can be offered on a subscription basis.

Some of the biggest companies leading the market right now include;

Other subscription box sectors you may come across can include;

  • Pet Food, toys, and health
  • Household items, cleaning products
  • Art, Craft, Design
  • Coffee, Tea, alcohol, & other drink options
  • Fragrance
  • Books
  • Clothing, shoes, handbags, accessories
  • Plants

Products are not limited to the ones listed above though, there are many different types of subscription boxes out there, some more niche than others.

Homeware; Exploring the growing market…

Exploring the subscription commerce industry…

It is estimated that the highest percentage of consumers purchasing subscription boxes are in the 25-34 age bracket, with a whopping 58%. This is closely followed by consumers between 18-24 at 51%. The lowest percentage of consumers using subscription box services are those that fall into the 65+ category, at 17%.

Royal Mail estimated that there was a 135% increase in market value, taking the value to £1.4bn in 2023, with a predicted value of £1.8bn by 2025! Impressive.

What is Convenience Commerce?

Convenience Commerce refers to the traditional style of subscriptions. The same products are delivered on a regular basis, saving the customer the time and effort involved in manually purchasing and re-ordering their favourite products. The purpose of this type of commerce is in its name – its designed to be convenient.

What is discovery Commerce?

Discovery Commerce refers to the style of subscription boxes that are designed to help customers find new products, allowing them to explore their options and products that they might not typically purchase.

The products sent might include totally new products every month, a rotation of their most popular, or a mix of both. These types are particularly useful for customers looking to try new beauty products, food products, etc.

Homeware; Exploring the growing market…

Why is subscription commerce so popular?

While subscription commerce has been around for a long time, its popularity has grown massively as the years have gone by.

Let’s explore some other reasons as to why subscription commerce has gained so much popularity over the years…

What are the cons of running a subscription box business?

Tips for building a successful TikTok Shop…

Of course, much like anything, there are some cons when it comes to running any business. We will discuss these below, but they should not discourage your from starting your own subscription business as the benefits can massively out-weigh the cons, it’s just about how you manage these challenges.

Let’s explore the cons…


Every single business in the world faces competition, simply put, that is just business.

When it comes to subscription boxes, you need to find a way to offer something that your competitors aren’t – whether that’s the actual products, the unboxing experience, the overall service, the price, etc. Find something.

If you can’t, you obviously run the risk of losing customers to your competitors, but as mentioned this is one of the biggest challenges that businesses face universally, so don’t let it deter you! Get creative.

Of course, you also have to consider the fact that there are some huge pre-established brands in this industry too, but you can use this to your benefit by researching what is and isn’t working for them, which can then be applied to your business as a USP.

Customer Churn

While it is true that it is much easier to build a large loyal customer base, and have a high level of customer retention, you may struggle to recover from an increase in cancellations.

One huge downfall of subscription box businesses is the fact that they are typically one of the first services a customer will cancel when their disposable income decreases.

Tax and inflation increases quite drastically at times, and customers will look for ways to bring their monthly expenses down, which means your business can take a hit (much like any other goods/service based business)

So, it may be harder to re-build your customer base and retention should that happen, but you can always look for new ways to remain valuable and competitive to help minimise this.

Partnering with a fulfilment centre for your subscription box business…

TikTok; The future of social commerce is at your fingertips…

Regardless of whether you are an established business, or you’ve just started out, TSP Fulfilment can help you with our subscription box fulfilment services.

With over 20 years of industry experience, we are experts when it comes to anything from picking, packing and shipping, down to kitting and assembly and handling your returns. We are the perfect option for your subscription box business. Explore our range of services below…


As mentioned in the convenience subscription section, one of the main reasons as to why subscription commerce is so popular is due to the convenience it offers customers.

New subscriptions can be found and purchased in minutes. After that, customers just simply need to wait for their delivery to arrive, eliminating the process of needing to physically go out and source the products desire. The convivence aspect of subscription boxes will always be the biggest selling point for any subscription box. Of course, your great products are also going to be the USP of your business, but the convenience side of things extends to every business regardless of their products.

Eliminates indecisiveness

Ever done a food shop, and when it comes time to make food, you feel overwhelmed with choice? What about when you go shopping for clothes, and you feel overwhelmed by the choices? Sometimes, too much choice leads us to indecisiveness, its a natural human occurrence. The thing is, this indecisiveness can lead to that pesky thing known as buyers remorse (should the purchase go through of course!)

Subscription boxes help to eliminate the indecisiveness and buyers remorse since all the products are lumped together for one set cost, and this cost is usually cheaper than the overall cost to purchase products individually.

The element of surprise

Unless customers are ordering repeat subscription for the exact same products every month (i.e. the same cat food every month, the same washing up liquid, etc) there is an element of surprise when signing up to a subscription box service. For example, the Rocca Box subscription model allows customers to receive a box of new products every month, that are typically different from the month before. The products are not pre-announced before they are received, creating an element of surprise for the customers. Its like receiving a gift on your birthday or at Christmas, except it is on a monthly basis. When the items a customer receives are consistently good, high quality, it will encourage them to keep coming back. It’s a quick way to build an extremely large loyal customer base, with a high level of customer retention.

The Unboxing experience

Regardless of the sector you’re in, whether you are a subscription box business or not, the unboxing experience is crucial.

First impressions always matter.

In this industry specifically, strong branding is always used with cleverly designed packaging. As mentioned, receiving the box is like receiving a present, and brands adhere to this.

The stronger the branding and unboxing experience is, the more and more your customers will look forward to receiving their boxes every month, because not only are you delivering products, you’re also delivering an experience.

Homeware; Exploring the growing market…

What are the benefits of running a subscription box business?

As previously explored, the subscription box industry is booming – but what are the main benefits of running a subscription box business?

Let’s explore them!

Word of Mouth and UGC

Word of mouth is a powerful tool for any business, regardless of the service they provide or products they sell.

Subscription box businesses tend to have a lot more success when it comes to engaging customers for a longer period of time, building a large loyal customer base, and increasing customer retention levels. Many subscription box businesses offer referral schemes, and see great benefits from using them too.

UGC (user generated content) is extremely popular and beneficial at the minute, especially on platforms such as TikTok and Instagram. Businesses can see great success from UGC of the products and unboxing experience.

Do less, for more

A lot of eCommerce brands struggle with the nurturing side of things. What we mean by that is, businesses need to nurture their customers to help build a loyal customer base and increase customer retention by encouraging them to come back for repeat purchasing. Subscription box businesses can take a step back after a certain point (once the brand is well established) since generally speaking, if a customer is happy with the products they receive on a month to month basis, you won’t need to actively engage with them as much as your normally would have to.

Of course, this is not to say that you should completely avoid engaging with them, but it is something you might not need to focus on as much.

Reliable Source of income

When you charge a set amount for your boxes every month, you can find it easier to set targets, forecast growth, and manage your finances with better accuracy.

When selling products individually, it can sometimes be a guessing game as to how many sales you’ll receive that month.

While the cost of the products you include in your boxes can fluctuate every month, you will still find it easier to plan your months in advance with better accuracy.

Homeware; Exploring the growing market…

What are the cons of running a subscription box service?

Of course, much like anything, there are some cons when it comes to running a business. We will discuss these below, but they should not discourage your from starting your own subscription business as the benefits can massively out-weigh the cons, it’s just about how you manage these challenges.

Let’s explore the cons…


Every single business in the world faces competition, simply put, that is just business.

When it comes to subscription boxes, you need to find a way to offer something that your competitors aren’t – whether that’s the actual products, the unboxing experience, the overall service, the price, etc. Find something.

If you can’t, you obviously run the risk of losing customers to your competitors, but as mentioned this is one of the biggest challenges that businesses face universally, so don’t let it deter you! Get creative.

Of course, you also have to consider the fact that there are some huge pre-established brands in this industry too, but you can use this to your benefit by researching what is and isn’t working for them, which can then be applied to your business as a USP.

Customer Churn

While it is true that it is much easier to build a large loyal customer base, and have a high level of customer retention, you may struggle to recover from an increase in cancellations.

One huge downfall of subscription box businesses is the fact that they are typically one of the first services a customer will cancel when their disposable income decreases.

Tax and inflation increases quite drastically at times, and customers will look for ways to bring their monthly expenses down, which means your business can take a hit (much like any other goods/service based business)

So, it may be harder to re-build your customer base and retention should that happen, but you can always look for new ways to remain valuable and competitive to help minimise this.

Homeware; Exploring the growing market…

Partnering with a fulfilment centre for your subscription box business…

Regardless of whether you are an established business, or you’ve just started out, TSP Fulfilment can help you with our subscription box fulfilment services.

With over 20 years of industry experience, we are experts when it comes to anything from picking, packing and shipping, down to kitting and assembly and handling your returns. We are the perfect option for your subscription box business. Explore our range of services below…

80+ Global Fulfilment Centres


We integrate with over 150 platforms


18M Sq Ft of Global Warehouse Space


Storage, Pick and pack

At TSP we handle everything, starting with the storage, picking, and packing of your products.

We serve a range of markets so we have experience storing, picking, and packing a variety of different products, so we’ve got you covered regardless of what you sell.

Outsourcing your pick and pack with us will help free up your time, while also improving the entire process due to our highly experienced team of staff.

B2B and B2C Fulfilment

Regardless of whether you just do B2C or B2B, or a mixture of both, our team have the knowledge and resources required to successfully get your orders picked, packed, and shipped to your customer or chosen retailer.

While we handle your B2B and B2C fulfilment, you can focus on putting more time and money back into other areas of your business, such as your sales, marketing, and product development.

Shipping and logistics

After we pick and pack your orders, we ship them too.

We ensure you get better deals on shipping and packaging by letting you leverage our buying power, meaning you can save money and put it back into growing your business.

We also partner with a range of couriers, ensuring the needs of your business are being met through a diverse choice in reliable couriers.

Amazon FBM, FBA, SFP…

We are your one stop solution for all Amazon seller services, including FBA, FBM and SFP. With over 20 years of industry experience you can be assured that we are fully equipped to support you..

So regardless of what Amazon service you’re using, or if its a mix of all 3, we’ve got you covered. Check out our Amazon page for more information regarding our Amazon fulfilment services.

Inventory and warehouse Management

Our cloud-based system, MintSoft is easy to navigate and provides you with real time updates so you can always make informed decisions about your stock.

We also run our own in-house system that can provide accurate information for the following;

  • Notify you of stock replenishment needs
  • Notify you of when and when not to re-order
  • Ability to track inventory
  • Ability to automate orders
  • Respond to trends

Returns Management

Returns are inevitable when it comes to your eCommerce business, but managing them correctly is a critical aspect on 3PL services. Here at TSP, we will handle the entire process from start to finish, helping you to main a high level of customer satisfaction.

Carbon Neutral Fulfilment

Are you a sustainable business? Looking to become more sustainable? Working with us means you can do your bit for the planet too, since we are a certified carbon neutral 3PL company.

Kitting, Bundling, and Assembly

Do you sell custom bundles or kits? We’ve got you covered. Our team is trained in kitting and bundle building, so you can be assured your customers will receive their orders in an accurate, timely manner.

Global Fulfilment

Do you require international shipping, or are you looking to expand into global markets? We’ve got you covered with our extensive network of couriers and global warehouses.

Explore our global fulfilment solutions page to see how we can help you dominate the global market, right from the heart of Newcastle.

Customs Bonded Warehouse

Here at TSP we are one of the very few Newcastle based order fulfilment companies with a dry bonded warehouse license.

Our network of freight forwarders means you can easily utilise the power of cross-border selling, allowing you to boost sales and drive growth.

Fulfilling Subscription Boxes for a range of markets…

At TSP, we are able to serve a range of markets within the eCommerce industry, demonstrating our flexibility when it comes to your subscription box fulfilment.

Storage, Pick and pack

At TSP we handle everything, starting with the storage, picking, and packing of your products.

We serve a range of markets so we have experience storing, picking, and packing a variety of different products, so we’ve got you covered regardless of what you sell.

Outsourcing your pick and pack with us will help free up your time, while also improving the entire process due to our highly experienced team of staff.

B2B and B2C Fulfilment

Regardless of whether you just do B2C or B2B, or a mixture of both, our team have the knowledge and resources required to successfully get your orders picked, packed, and shipped to your customer or chosen retailer.

While we handle your B2B and B2C fulfilment, you can focus on putting more time and money back into other areas of your business, such as your sales, marketing, and product development.

Shipping and logistics

After we pick and pack your orders, we ship them too.

We ensure you get better deals on shipping and packaging by letting you leverage our buying power, meaning you can save money and put it back into growing your business.

We also partner with a range of couriers, ensuring the needs of your business are being met through a diverse choice in reliable couriers.

Amazon FBM, FBA, SFP…

We are your one stop solution for all Amazon seller services, including FBA, FBM and SFP. With over 20 years of industry experience you can be assured that we are fully equipped to support you..

So regardless of what Amazon service you’re using, or if its a mix of all 3, we’ve got you covered. Check out our Amazon page for more information regarding our Amazon fulfilment services.

Inventory & Warehouse Management

Our cloud-based system, MintSoft is easy to navigate and provides you with real time updates so you can always make informed decisions about your stock.

We also run our own in-house system that can provide accurate information for the following;

  • Notify you of stock replenishment needs
  • Notify you of when and when not to re-order
  • Ability to track inventory
  • Ability to automate orders
  • Respond to trends

Returns Management

Returns are inevitable when it comes to your eCommerce business, but managing them correctly is a critical aspect on 3PL services. Here at TSP, we will handle the entire process from start to finish, helping you to main a high level of customer satisfaction.

So, never worry about handling a return again, because TSP has you covered.

Carbon Neutral Fulfilment

Are you a sustainable business? Looking to become more sustainable? Working with us means you can do your bit for the planet too, since we are a certified carbon neutral 3PL company.

Kitting, Bundling, and Assembly

Do you sell custom bundles or kits? We’ve got you covered. Our team is trained in kitting and bundle building, so you can be assured your customers will receive their orders in an accurate, timely manner.

Global Fulfilment

Do you require international shipping, or are you looking to expand into global markets? We’ve got you covered with our extensive network of couriers and global warehouses.

Explore our global fulfilment solutions page to see how we can help you dominate the global market, right from the heart of Newcastle.

Customs Bonded Warehouse

Here at TSP we are one of the very few Newcastle based order fulfilment companies with a dry bonded warehouse license.

Our network of freight forwarders means you can easily utilise the power of cross-border selling, allowing you to boost sales and drive growth.

Collate your product details and connect your stores / market places

Link you into our preferred courier network

Take delivery of your stock, go live!

Collate your product details and connect your stores & marketplaces.

Link you into our preferred courier network.

Take delivery of your stock, go live!

Fulfilling subscription boxes from a range of industries…

At TSP, we are able to serve a range of markets within the eCommerce industry, demonstrating our flexibility when it comes to your subscription box fulfilment.

When it comes to finding a trusty, efficient, and reliable 3PL partner for your Subscription Box business, you can be assured that we’ve always got you covered.

Don’t settle for anything less than the best. Choose TSP Fulfilment for all of your subscription box fulfilment needs, and ensure your customers get the service they deserve.

Contact us today to speak with one of our Subscription Box fulfilment experts