Excellent customer service and experience is one of the main areas of focus and importance for any business. Without customers, there would simply be no business.

Think of how many times poor customer service or experience has deterred you from purchasing again, how frustrating it is when you don’t get a prompt response when you really just want to know where your order is. Or the times you have an issue but couldn’t get a response, which has caused you to advise others against making a purchase with the same business. 

Every single customer has an impact on your business. Realistically it is up to you and how things operate that will determine whether or not that impact is negative or positive. 

Now more than ever, customer service is extremely important since a lot of consumers have turned to online shopping for a huge fraction of their purchases. They can’t always just go into a store and physically speak to someone if they have purchased from your online store, so it really is important to keep up with your customer service demands. 

So, why excellent customer service is so important

Now more than ever, customer service is extremely important since a lot of consumers have turned to online shopping for a huge fraction of their purchases. They can’t always just go into a store and physically speak to someone if they have purchased from your online store, so it really is important to keep up with your customer service demands. 

The power of WoM

Similar to how customers will warn others about your business as a result of their bad experience, if they have a positive experience, they will share it with others. Word of mouth can either be your best friend or worst enemy when it comes to your customers and their experience. 

It’s always worth bearing in mind to offer your clients the most amazing experience. Great customer experience paired with an equally great product can result in higher awareness and sales. So you need to ensure that both your customer service and products are top quality. 

Strengthening the relationship with your customers

Good customer service will help strengthen the relationship with your customers, and in turn, this means you are likely to have more brand-loyal customers. As a little tip, if you use social media for your business, make sure you are engaging with customers on there, too, as it will more than likely have the same effect. 

Gaining a competitive advantage

Good customer service is also a competitive advantage. The eCommerce industry was already huge, but it has grown at an exponential rate over the years and especially since covid. So how do you stand out? Have the best possible customer service and customer experience. Despite the scale of the industry, you’d be surprised at how many businesses put so little effort into maintaining good customer service. So, use this to your advantage. 

So use the experience you offer as a marketing tool. If a customer loves your product and their experience, they may decide to talk about it online- this is where you create user-generated content (UCG) and use it for marketing. User-generated content is any form of content (images, videos, text, reviews, audios) that has been posted online by a customer. This can be used to your advantage for marketing since you can simply repost the content posted by your customers. 

Those are just some of the reasons why good customer service is important. Now, this is where your 3PL partner will come into play. Not every 3PL offers customer service management as part of their own services, but some do. Let’s discuss why should you let a 3PL help you offer great customer service.

Why should you let a 3PL ensure you offer excellent customer service

Saves you time and effort

Free up time, and focus on the core of your business- allowing your 3PL to handle customer service for you means you will have more free time. Your 3PL handles the behind-the-scenes customer service and fulfilment while you work on growing your business. 

Improves your services

If you are struggling to keep up with everything, a 3PL can help to shift some of the demand and responsibility, therefore improving the overall customer service and experience. For example, you may not always be available to deal with customer phone calls and emails, which can leave your customers feeling frustrated. A customer service team in a fulfilment centre will always be available. Not only this, but if you are an international seller with a high volume of UK customers- you may find it difficult to keep up with the demands and responsibilities as a result of time zone differences. The customer service team in your UK 3PL can handle all of this for you since they won’t need to worry about time zone differences as you do. Overall, they can improve your service and your customers’ experience. 

Gives your own highly-skilled team

Access to a team of highly-skilled 3PL customer service specialists who have had years and years of experience in the field and know how to deal with things efficiently. 

Reduces your expenses

If you are already outsourcing your customer service to a customer service management company, but this can become costly. Partnering with a 3PL that offers this service as part of their package means that you can save some money. Those are just some of the reasons why it may be a good idea to let your 3PL handle your customer service.

Why choose TSP as your 3PL customer service partner

Here at TSP, we offer customer service management to all of our clients. We understand the importance of good customer service, but we also understand how time-consuming and demanding it can be if you try and manage everything by yourself. 

We will always have someone on hand to deal with; 

  • Sales enquiries
  • Shipment tracking (the dreaded ‘where is my order’ question)
  • Complaints and resolutions
  • Processing payments and refunds
  • Tailored services

We are here to make things easier for you while providing the best experience for your customers. For more information, contact us today!