Curlsmith, a successful UK-based premium haircare brand known for enhancing naturally curly and wavy hair, sought a reliable fulfilment partner to streamline operations and support their global ambitions.

Scaling New Heights Together

After conquering the US market, Curlsmith set its sights on Europe. They needed a fulfilment partner capable of scaling alongside their growth. In 2022, they chose TSP.

The Results Speak for Themselves:

  • 10x Order Increase: TSP seamlessly handled a tenfold surge in orders within the first year, demonstrating their scalability.
  • Doubling Down on Success: Curlsmith’s monthly order volume doubled, further solidifying the partnership’s effectiveness.
  • Happy Customers, Happy Curlsmith: Positive Trustpilot reviews reflect Curlsmith’s fulfilment efficiency and reliability.

A Collaborative Journey

Regular communication and a problem-solving approach characterised the partnership. This agility ensured a seamless global expansion for Curlsmith.

Curlsmith’s partnership with TSP has taught them the importance of a fulfilment provider that can:

  • Scale rapidly: Handle significant increases in order volume without compromising quality or speed.
  • Adapt quickly: Implement new processes and solutions to meet evolving business needs.
  • Prioritise customer satisfaction: Deliver exceptional service that enhances the brand’s reputation.

Partnership Appreciation

“During our partnership, TSP consistently went above and beyond. One example was when they readily implemented new packaging and trialled innovative processes, ensuring a smooth and successful expansion. Their proactive communication and responsiveness to our needs were invaluable.

In three words, I’d describe our working relationship with TSP as collaborative, reliable, and supportive.”