Ask the fulfilment centre I The Storage Place

Whilst there are many useful articles and blogs on our website about the ins and outs of a fulfilment centre, we thought why not ask some of our eCommerce sellers to provide questions they’d love us to answer. So, we took it upon ourselves to speak with our dedicated account management team here at TSP, for some cutting-edge analysis and insight to provide our clients and prospective clients with the expert knowledge of all things fulfilment.

Our account management team is able to provide insight and experience about the British market and how it works. So, if you’re an international seller, this will be extremely helpful for you. They also have knowledge and experience of the various online marketplaces, like Shopify, Amazon and eBay, and can provide you with advice about product trends and seasonal trends. As a vital function of our fulfilment centre, they are just as responsible in forming and maintaining strong relationships with our partners.

Your account manager is here to make everything easier for you while helping you make the most out of your business. So, let’s take a look at some of the hottest questions of the moment and see what they had to say…

Can we start selling on Amazon Prime SFP?

SFP is an order fulfilment program offered through Amazon that enables third-party sellers to ship Amazon Prime orders directly to customers from their own warehouse in 2 days. 

What are the benefits of Amazon fulfilment?

  • The ability to reach loyal Amazon customers – through SFP, you can offer products to Amazon’s high level of Prime customers. Prime members can easily find your products thanks to Amazon’s shopping filter option which allows consumers to see Prime products. This also helps give your ASINs (Amazon Standard Identification Number) more visibility and discovery.
  • Access to 24/7 after-sale customer service – Amazon will handle all post-order customer service on your behalf, at no extra cost. Through this, customers can track their orders, request refunds and submit returns.
  • Grow your business with ‘Lightning Deals’- One of Amazon’s most visited pages is the ‘Todays Deals’ section that holds discounted Prime products. With a Prime badge, you will be able to start submitting your own products and can take advantage of this section.
  • Manage your stock across multiple channels – It can be hard to handle a range of orders across multiple channels, but SFP makes it easier to manage by allowing you to minimise out of stock situations through the ability to hold inventory at your own warehouse.

Currently, most of our clients are selling through Amazon Prime SFP, maximising the benefits of having their Amazon fulfilment optimised. Set up is easy and this service offers you the chance to expand and grow your business on another platform. All Prime orders received by 4pm will leave TSP that day, 6 days a week.

Can you help manage my inventory?

Absolutely. Our cloud-based inventory management system is one of the best aspects of our fulfilment, helping to make inventory management easy and accurate. Through our system you can reduce overstocking, boost your sales, minimise back orders, and accurately reorder stock as and when it is needed. 

Inventory management is important because poor inventory management could negatively impact your business through:

  • Poor customer service and experience
  • Poor money and resource allocation
  • Excess stock that isn’t selling, meaning extra space is taken up your warehouse or outsourced fulfilment centre, and hits you in the pocket.

You then have some choices to make for the better of your Either sell off your slow-moving/excess stock cheaply which subsequently devalues your brand, give it away or hope it eventually picks up.

This is why having a good inventory management system is essential. For more information on the importance of stock control, you can read our blog here.

Can you check where an order is?

If you ever feel bogged down by the ‘where is my order’ emails, then you’ll be pleased to know that this is something an account manager can handle for you.

Our team is able to track your customer’s orders, and thanks to the close relationship we share with our couriers, it is easier to get in contact with them for delivery-related enquiries- saving you time, hassle, and the frustration of not being able to reach the couriers yourself. Not only this, but we provide real-time parcel tracking for all of your pallet and high-value item deliveries. Our system will immediately alert you of any issues or delays, so you don’t need to worry about any issues.

Can you relabel my SKUs to ship into retailers?

We are experts with B2B services and deal with a range of big retailers such as John Lewis, TK Maxx, Tesco, Aldi, Lidl, University Games and more. Each retailer has different requirements and we are able to adhere to their individual requirements.

So in summary, we [AR3] are able to relabel your SKUs for retailers since labels are normally provided by the customer. When shipping to the retailer, we would simply rework the labels to fit the retailer’s specifications.

Here at TSP, we are here to help you successfully manage, grow, and scale your business. Our expert, award winning teams can help to give you a competitive advantage, and can help to improve your business overall.

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