Since Britain officially left the European Union (EU), online eCommerce stores and businesses alike have had to adapt to changes in UK fulfilment processes, as tariffs and legislations have changed in the wake of Brexit. 


Being aware of changes to import rules and increases to tariffs is crucial, as supply chain disruptions have caused major issues since the post-Brexit period ensued. Having the requisite knowledge is crucial so you know what to consider, so read our guide below for all you need to know about navigating the post-Brexit supply chain. 


Brexit and the eCommerce industry 


As a result of the protracted political saga and subsequent transition period, Britain’s official exit from the EU was only officially ratified in January 2020. Since then, businesses and trade has been severely impacted by changes in policy and in how business can be done with the continent. Imports, exports and rising tariffs, leading to a severe decline in UK-to-EU exports

Although there are obvious challenges that have been presented and changed the landscape of eCommerce fulfilment, with the right tips and guidance, you can adapt your operations so that you are in the best position to withstand any adversity in sales from overseas. Experts in the order fulfilment industry can provide the guidance and support needed to help eCommerce retailers transition and understand what’s required. 


As much as retailers have had to adapt, fulfilment companies have required adaptation to their offerings, providing a level of agility in their operations in order to meet new requirements. Order fulfilment that provides a degree of flexibility with a multi-approach model will excel, whereas traditional fulfilment methods will soon find they cease to be as effective as those who have reshaped their approach. 


Why you’ll have to pay more for parcels from the EU | Money | The Sunday Times (


Our tips for navigating the post-Brexit supply chain


It is fundamental for eCommerce retailers to maintain and enhance their customer satisfaction levels, but if existing data and policy is not constantly reviewed by independent retailers, then higher delivery costs may be incurred by customers unexpectedly, thus damaging the reliability and dependability of your operations. 


There are many things to factor in and consider, so we’ve compiled a few tips below so that you can stay abreast of any developments and considerations you need to make so that your online store remains unscathed from the impact of Brexit and beyond.

The Storage Place

Partner with a trusted order fulfilment centre


Inevitably, there has been a decrease in sales as extra import costs have deterred some consumers from buying goods from the continent, though the decrease has not been as severe as initially feared. Longer shipping times and higher delivery costs are also a mainstay, but by partnering with a trustworthy fulfilment company, who have a reliable reputation globally, you are likely to have greater success in delivering items to the both the EU and the UK, helping you to preserve that all-important customer satisfaction. 


Inventory distribution


The benefits of partnering with an order fulfilment centre means you can distribute your inventory across multiple warehouses, both nationally and internationally. As your fulfilment partner will manage your inventory, you can determine which items need to be distributed and from where with ease, minimising any potential delays with customs clearances or shipping issues to customers overseas. 


EU fulfilment centres


Sourcing a fulfilment company that has warehouses in the EU can be super beneficial for your eCommerce business. 


With locations already based in the EU, bulk-shipping orders from these warehouses can allow you to manage and fulfil your order quickly and maintain your customer satisfaction. Partnering with a fulfilment company like The Storage Place, which has global fulfilment options can simplify this process for you, making it easier for you to integrate your inventories internationally, wherever you are located.

Check your shipping options and costs


Realistically, customers are now expecting to pay an excess for deliveries overseas, whether that is from the UK to the EU, or vice versa. As VAT and tariffs have increased, being flexible and transparent about your shipping options will provide customers with a clear option. 


By offering a multitude of shipping options, you are allowing customers the option to either pay excess for quicker deliveries, or to pay less but wait longer. The most important aspect is providing your valued customers choice and clarity. 


Navigating the post-Brexit supply chain with TSP


A global fulfilment company like TSP can provide all the things you need, so that your eCommerce store doesn’t suffer in the post-Brexit era. 


With so many options both nationally and internationally, our warehousing options cater for retailers who require swift, efficient order fulfilment across the continent. To discover more about how we can help scale your business globally and navigate the supply chain issues post-Brexit, check out the international order fulfilment options we provide through freight forwarding


Alternatively, why not contact us to discover more about what we offer for merchants looking to expand their business and our friendly team will be on hand to answer any questions related to eCommerce retail post-Brexit.